Categories for Stroke

  • What does ‘Self-Manage’ really mean?


    5 Mar 2018
    Self manage’… a complex process through which you complete your day to day life, work towards goals, and maintain your roles…
  • The Courage To Be Wrong


    29 Jan 2018
    Many years ago I interviewed someone and asked ‘what was the most important factor in helping you recover?’, without pause she said ‘its courage really’. She had lived through an incredible number of setbacks following a large stroke that left her paralysed and with difficulty speaking and swallowing. It wasn’t all about the therapy, it… View Article
  • Trust World Café: stroke care

    Billy Mann

    9 Feb 2017
    Tess Baird is an unstoppable force. In November 2016 she gathered together a few colleagues and contacts in a small room in London’s Mile End Hospital to explain her bonkers idea. She wanted clinicians and service users to get to understand and communicate with one another in more meaningful and effective ways. The subject in… View Article
  • What is uniquely ‘Bridges’ about this stroke group? Helping others to help yourself

    Billy Mann

    20 Jun 2016
    On four successive Mondays in April 2016 I helped with on a research project into whether the step process method in stroke rehabilitation as pioneered by Bridges Self-Management can be made to work in a group setting. The more interesting details of the study, by University College London’s (UCL) Ella Clark, will I’m sure appear in more scholarly quarters,… View Article
  • Testing Bridges in a group setting for stroke: first research reflections

    Ella Clark

    25 May 2016
    “I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap.”  Ani DiFrancoSelf-management is becoming more established as a way to improve clinical outcomes, feelings of loneliness, quality of life, and reducing the burden of care on health care systems1–3. For stroke this is particularly important, as it… View Article
  • Equity and access to self-management support

    Liz Livingstone

    3 Feb 2016
    “How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress”Niels Bohr With over 60% of UK adults living with a long term condition, there is a great deal of interest in how best to support self-management [1]. We know from research that self-management can have a positive effect on… View Article