COVID-19 Resources

Self-Management Support for Community Teams

We are all having to learn to work differently at the moment, and effective self-management support has never been more important

Bridges Self-Management, as leaders in the field of self-management support, have developed new resources to help structure rehabilitation interactions with patients and families (whether phone or via video conferencing) to be effective and impactful.

Self-management and coaching principles start with the premise that patients already have many skills and resources and enable partnership working from the outset.  By supporting patients to gain confidence and freedom to experiment they discover new ways to problem-solve, make progress and manage their condition during self-isolation.

We have co-designed these new resources with community rehabilitation teams and patients who are self-isolating with rehabilitation needs. They will help structure each remote or brief interaction by encouraging patients to share ideas, and ways of coping whilst acknowledging fears and challenges.

Along with the CSP guidance on effective remote consultations, our resources will help individual practitioners with where to start, but also enable services to structure your conversations and adapt ways of working to support self-management effectively whilst working remotely.

Conversation Guidance

Six tips about how to structure voice or video calls to support a person’s self-management capabilities

10 Top Tips for good self-management support

A practical summary of the evidence for good self-management support


An acronym to remember key aspects of good self-management support


A video summarising LEARN and key aspects of good self-management support

Learning Module with Narration

A narrated PowerPoint presentation about the principles of self-management support, including how to build self-efficacy and core self-management skills through your interactions with patients and families/carers.

Supporting documents for the narrated PowerPoint

Bridges Self-Management is working in collaboration with the University of Nottingham and a group of researchers and clinicians, to produce an online \'Community of Practice\' to support stroke services that are providing remote rehabilitation, in the the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst this platform is being developed, we have created a document to offer short-term advice and identify longer-term guidance.  We have highlighted some of the key issues of importance, in relation to remote delivery of stroke rehabilitation and have collated some immediately available information, resources and support.

Remote Working Support for Community Stroke Teams

This document can also be accessed through the Future NHS Forum

If you have any issue accessing these resources, or have any suggestions for other tools, please contact us:

  • Inspiring People to Live Well and Work Differently.

    As a team we share the same ethos and philosophy that drives our passion to create the best experience and environment for patients to live well. Bridges provide opportunities for both patients and professionals to work collaboratively to enhance self-management skills, knowledge and confidence.
    You can reach us by email