Home Forums Community of Practice Forum What is the new normal?

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    Lisa Kidd

    The ongoing pandemic poses unprecedented challenges in the provision of rehabilitation for stroke survivors and continued pressure on rehabilitation professionals in the delivery of rehabilitation and longer-term support across acute and community sectors.

    Face-to-face delivery of rehabilitation has been limited. For many of us, this has meant rehabilitation is now being delivered differently (e.g. videocalls, virtual consultations and telerehabilitation). This has required many of us – including the stroke survivors and families that we work with – to quickly become proficient users of IT and other ways of working at a distance and working differently with our colleagues both locally and nationally.

    Technologies, for example, telerehabilitation and online support that once seemed an ‘option’ has now quickly become an essential component in our repertoire of ensuring patient safety and our provision of longer-term rehabilitation and support. Yet these approaches may not be the right approaches for everyone. It’s unlikely that the new ways of working that we’re all becoming quickly accustomed will go away as social distancing and ‘shielding’ will continue to be part of our new landscape. As we recover from the early stages of the pandemic, demand for rehabilitation and longer-term self-management support will increase and it’s important this is as therapeutic as possible.

    In our first discussion post in this community of practice, we want to know more about your experiences and the ways that you have had to adapt and change how you deliver rehabilitation and supported self-management during the first few months of this pandemic.

    How is the use of telerehabilitation/remote rehabilitation affecting the way in which caseloads are prioritised?

    What strategies are you using to balance the needs of service users with your availability both online and face to face, and ensure parity of access to services?

    How do we most effectively assess stroke survivors’ and families’ safety and needs remotely and at a distance?


    I’m interested to find out about use of outcome measures remotely. What has worked and what hasn’t?

    Also your views on how best to find out about stroke survivor experience of telerehabilitation. What should we ask and when?

    Nicola Hancock

    These are great discussion points, Lisa and Rebecca- I think it would also be good to understand more about what resources teams are particularly signposting to new graduates who arrive onto community teams in their early months in practice? What is most helpful to our new colleagues who are navigating their first posts in an altered landscape?

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