Impact of Bridges

What impact does Bridges have on everyday practice? We wanted to understand some of the tangible changes and the impact of Bridges on everyday practice in healthcare, we spoke with six senior NHS clinical leaders, all had commissioned Bridges within the last 5 years. They reflected on their experience of implementing Bridges within their teams, some having received their initial training in Bridges over 10 years ago and others having trained within the last 18 months. Integration experiences varied, but all narratives contained common activities and areas of impact

View our latest impact statement to understand more.

"Most of us came into the job to help people, but feel we are being asked to do something quite different. Bridges allows us to establish the personal human contact that makes our jobs worthwhile." Senior Nurse- Stroke service

Health Education England - People 1st

The 'People 1st project' funded by Health Education England shows our impact across the East of England region, and involved 650 staff from 24 trusts.

An independent evaluation by University of East Anglia showed that Bridges positively impacted on:

1) staff confidence to support self-management

2) the benefits of changing practice to them personally, within their team, and on patients/families.


Six case studies from each STP have also been published - view them here

Bridges Webinar

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bridges team got together to brainstorm ways we could support our network of colleagues and friends across the country. At a time when self-management had become necessary almost overnight, it felt like we had an opportunity to share our expertise, whilst creating a safe space for people to share and discuss their experiences.

Our webinar series can be accessed on You Tube and has been viewed over 3,500 times across the UK and Europe - and has reached as far as New Zealand. We know that lecturers teaching healthcare students in Higher Education Institutions also use parts of the sessions in their classes; so that number continues to rise. To see any of our webinars or podcasts go to our  Bridges You Tube channel

To measure the impact of our webinars , we surveyed every attendee before and after, asking what one word best describes how they're feeling. Below is the after result from the first 8 sessions:

We also surveyed 400 healthcare staff who had signed up for our webinar series and had some amazing feedback from people - our favourite was that someone felt their "clinical soul had been restored".  Overall those surveyed felt  our webinars gave them a greater sense of connectedness during the pandemic and they felt part of a wider community

"Navigating the uncertainty during COVID particularly around supervision was an issue for me and I got clarity and practical ideas from the sessions. I got a sense of community also by being part of the wider group."

To catch up on our webinar series please click here

  • Inspiring People to Live Well and Work Differently.

    As a team we share the same ethos and philosophy that drives our passion to create the best experience and environment for patients to live well. Bridges provide opportunities for both patients and professionals to work collaboratively to enhance self-management skills, knowledge and confidence.
    You can reach us by email