What we do

Bridges makes person-centred self-management support a reality by enabling healthcare teams to think and work differently.

We are continually inspired by the skills, ideas and experiences of everyone using and working within health and social care.

  • Our pioneering 5-stage approach to training has a strong evidence base. We have worked with more than 350 healthcare teams, 4500 practitioners and 120 patients, family members and carers since 2013.
  • We foster real cultural change in health and social care by creating a shared ethos of self-management support in a team’s language, systems and processes.
  • Bridges approach to self-management is tailored to each patient,  and combines easily with current practice without the need for more resources.

Our self-management tools have been co-designed with people with acute and long term conditions.


  • Inspiring People to Live Well and Work Differently.

    As a team we share the same ethos and philosophy that drives our passion to create the best experience and environment for patients to live well. Bridges provide opportunities for both patients and professionals to work collaboratively to enhance self-management skills, knowledge and confidence.
    You can reach us by email admin@bridgesselfmanagement.org.uk