Bridges workshops for healthcare professionals have now been delivered in New Zealand and Australia.
Working with Professor Leigh Hale, Otago University, New Zealand, Bridges has now developed a New Zealand Version of the stroke workbook. Leigh and Sue Newman delivered their first Bridges workshop in April 2015 for support workers and therapists employed by Laura Fergusson Trust (LFT). Sue has been using Bridges stroke self-management approach since 2014 and has now used Bridges with over 40 New Zealand stroke survivors.
Professor Sheila Lennon from Flinders University and Professor Barby Singer of University of Western Australia are now following a similar process to explore the feasibility of Bridges stroke self-management for the Australian context. The first focus groups with Australian stroke survivors have been held in Perth and Adelaide, with more planned in Sydney. These focus groups will inform the contextual adaptations needed for the Bridges stroke workbook, and training for healthcare teams.
More information about the methodology and methods used to develop the bridges programme for New Zealand can be found in this publication.