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Bridges symposium

  • Bridges Symposium 2014

    The 5th annual Bridges symposium was held on 17th June 2014 and located at St George’s University of London. It generated much interest and demand for attendance, being attended by over 120 healthcare professionals, stroke survivors, carers and individuals working in, commissioning or interested in stroke rehabilitation.

    Attendees were given the first opportunity to hear about the findings from the recently completed research trial (‘SESAME’) funded by NIHR-Research for Patient Benefit. This trial evaluated the feasibility of embedding a stroke self-management programme (Bridges) into community stroke rehabilitation.

    You can download pdf’s of the three presentations below


    Prof Fiona Jones and Dr Matt Liston

    Key findings from the trial were presented by Fiona and Matt on:

    • The impact of the intervention (Bridges self-management programme) on clinical outcomes and main themes from interviews, and
    • Observation studies which explored fidelity of the programme and experiences of staff and patients

    Integrating a self-management programme into stroke rehabilitation - can it be done? 

    Laura Adams, Jessica Crouch and David Ede

    Laura Adams (SALT) and Jessica Crouch (Physiotherapist) from Lewisham Adult Therapy Team, talked about their experiences of being one of the intervention sites, where they successfully embedded the Bridges approach into the rehabilitation of stroke survivors.  Stroke survivor David Ede, told his story and shared his perspective of working with the Lewisham team

    Being oart of Bridges - a clinicians' and stroke survivors' point of view

    Prof Avril Drummond

    Avril was a key contributor to the research trial, and rounded of the evening with a short talk about the lessons learnt and take home messages

    Stroke self-management-take home meassages and lessons learnt

Here we summarise some of the themes from audience feedback.

What is your now take home message, based on what you have heard, or discussed, this evening?

"The patient should be at the heart of all we do."

"It is important to integrate and sustain self-management support as a team."

"Self-management is really co-management (patient, professional, family)."


What is one question you have, about supporting self-management after stroke?

"What are the outcomes of self-management, and how do we measure it?"

"How does self-management fit the often target driven model of health care?"

"How can self-management be supported in the acute setting?"


A full summary of delegate feedback can be accessed here